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A weekly podcast on the impacts of digital technologies on the oil and gas sector

Feb 27, 2019

What is the future of oil and gas in an increasingly digital world? This technology paints an exciting and teasing future, but we need to embrace several difficult changes laid out in front of us. In today's podcast, I will present a keynote address that I gave to the Alberta Internet of Things Conference in Calgary...

Feb 20, 2019

What can small and medium-sized upstream oil and gas companies do to take advantage of a more digital world, if anything? Digital innovation is often portrayed as the purview of only very large oil and gas concerns, who have the big budgets, large teams and ample resources to devote to digital. It’s time to challenge...

Feb 13, 2019

Digital innovations are upending some of the most deeply held and long standing orthodoxies of our modern life. Uber is just one example but there are many more. Many of the orthodoxies in oil and gas are ready to tumble too. 

Duration: 10m...

Feb 6, 2019

When I was growing up, I always wanted to get behind the controls of some piece of earth moving equipment. I also recently watched training videos featuring augmented and virtual reality, and concluded that the training simulator in the video above has it backwards now. It teaches humans how to manipulate the arms of...