Mar 31, 2022
Enrollments at U Calgary’s school of engineering petroleum studies have collapsed. What does a future engineering talent shortage mean for Canada’s largest export industry? What we need is the right narrative—there is a place for all energy products, just not in their current proportions. And we need that message...
Mar 24, 2022
Yet another more aggressive target for ending the sale of new petroleum vehicles was announced recently. Private companies need to start thinking about how they’re going to position themselves for the future now that the policies are moving. What are the implications for companies merchandising in petroleum?
Mar 23, 2022
Today's episode is a chat with Haideh Farahmand, a pHD candidate in business administration, focusing on blockchain solutions. Haideh is researching industrial applications of blockchains, as well as the intentions behind accepting blockchain technology. Today we disucss her research, blockchain itself, and the...
Mar 17, 2022
There’s been lots of chatter about the metaverse and its impacts on society, but what about the real world of digital energy?The metaverse is an online digital world, which combines clever technologies like video, audio, and virtual reality, creating a place for humans to interact virtually with each other and with...
Mar 16, 2022
Today's podcast is a chat with Jim Crompton, Professor of Practice, Petroleum Engineering Dept of Colorado School of Mines. Jim has many years of experience with Chevron in developing the digital oil field. Today we discuss that principle, as well as the data and sensors necessary to fully digitalize an oil...