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A weekly podcast on the impacts of digital technologies on the oil and gas sector

Mar 30, 2023

TradeLens, the IBM/Maersk venture to overhaul international shipping documentation handling, has been abandoned and will come to an end. Long live TradeLens.

Now, if you’re wondering what this post has to do with digital innovations in oil and gas, consider that oil (and increasingly gas) is shipped internationally....

Mar 29, 2023

"There were some really important and interesting measurement problems that were non medical, but most venture dollars went into medical than what you'd think from the the market size for the most important measurement problems..."

In this episode Ian and I have a lengthy discussion on the challenges of data measurement...

Mar 23, 2023

Leaders lead by example, but what does that mean for the manager or supervisor of an oil and gas asset tasked with embracing digital?

In my book, ‘Carbon, Capital, and the Cloud’, I describe the stages of personal change that people go through as they deal with digital, particularly in heavy industry, such as...

Mar 22, 2023

"There's a gap currently between the way the small startup companies would think about how to get investment dollars and grant dollars to keep their company alive, and what the big operators need to have a deployable project."

In this episode, I’m in conversation with Bradley Wamboldt, who is the principal associate...

The World Petroleum Congress Revisits Calgary

Mar 16, 2023

The World Petroleum Congress is just around the corner, and it’s coming to Calgary. 

n the global landscape of oil and gas events, a few stand out because they are truly global in that they change venues rather like the Olympics, they’re infrequent (perhaps every three or four years, allowing the passage of time to...